Driven Frontend Developer with a proven track record in crafting intuitive, responsive digital solutions.

My diverse portfolio spans from startups to industry-leading brands, encapsulating a journey of continuous learning, problem-solving, and meticulous craftsmanship. Explore my projects and witness the fusion of technology, creativity, and my passion for pushing boundaries.


Modernized Kargo's React website at KNI into a dynamic structure using Prismic CMS, enhancing SEO and honing technical skills. Expanded component library and created thorough documentation.

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Revamped Aspiriant's Wordpress site using PHP and ACF, creating a custom-themed platform that advanced my adaptability to new technologies and project management skills.

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Contributed to Bolt's site brand overhaul at KNI from Wordpress to a React app with Strapi CMS. Improved site speed, reliability and honed project management skills.

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Streamlined authentication, facilitated user profile customization, and integrated Stripe into a custom React build, propelling Elete's beta towards potential investors.

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Northbound Films

Single-handedly executed a reimagined website for this film production company, delivering a bespoke design with React and GatsbyJS that showcases their portfolio and services.

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Coach Training EDU

Led CMS integration for CTEDU's site rebuild from Wordpress to React at Coach Training EDU, enabling dynamic page assembly and improved SEO. Showcased the synergy of development and marketing.

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